Communicate with your provider

You know your symptoms best and are usually the one in charge of following a doctor's treatment plan for your care. Still, it can be hard to talk easily with your health care provider and ask questions when your health needs are complex, you are unfamiliar with medical terminology, and you have been told that ‘doctor knows best.’
If you find it hard to talk with your doctor or nurse practitioner, try some of these strategies.
Come prepared
- Bring your medications or a list of them
- Track your symptoms
- Write down your concerns and any questions you have in advance
- Bring someone with you
Ask questions
Don’t be afraid to ask questions when something is unclear and repeat back what you heard to your doctor to make sure you understood the information correctly.
- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) suggests a set of questions to ask before, during and after your appointments
- The Ask Me 3 program encourages you to ask What is my main problem? What do I need to do? Why is important for me to do this?
Understand your diagnosis and treatment
- Take notes: Write down your treatment options and the steps you want to learn more about.
- Check your provider organization’s “patient portal” or ask for printouts: Most health care providers are now required to make it easier for patients to access their medical records, including visit notes and treatment plans, usually via an online portal. You can also request a printed summary of your treatment plan at the end of a visit.
- Do your homework: It’s OK to do additional research or talk to others you trust to learn more about the risks and benefits of a treatment option. If what you find raises any concerns, discuss them with your doctor.
Pay attention to the care you receive
You are the person closest to your treatment, so your knowledge and instincts are key to helping clinicians care for you safely.
- Ask your providers to talk to each other: Ask any specialist you see to discuss your treatment plan and share test results with your primary care doctor. This will help your doctors avoid repeat testing and communicate key information about your care.
- Monitor changes in your health: Notice how your body reacts to new medications or treatments. Write down your symptoms so you can talk about them at your next appointment or call your doctor if they are serious.
- Speak up: Trust your instincts and speak up if you think something may be wrong with your medications or treatment.