The Massachusetts Health Care Safety and Quality Consortium is an unprecedented public-private undertaking that recognizes the potential for major breakthroughs in reducing preventable harm through a sustained multistakeholder effort to drive transformative, systemic change. 

MHCSQC logo 2024

To develop the Roadmap to Health Care Safety for Massachusetts, the Consortium drew upon the deep expertise of the Commonwealth’s health care community, bringing together over 35 organizations, including providers, patients, government agencies, and others, who play a role in the delivery, payment, or oversight of health care. Recognizing Massachusetts’ long history of successful collaboration and leadership around urgent health policy issues, the Consortium’s first decision was to set a bold aim: a health care system in which providers — in partnership with patients, policymakers, payers and other experts — continuously strive to eliminate preventable patient harm and improve the safety of staff in and across all settings where care is delivered in the Commonwealth. 

The Roadmap outlines a set of goals and specific strategies and action steps to propel investment and improvement across the Commonwealth’s health care continuum. Its purpose is to guide and sustain progress toward these goals over time.

The Consortium's work was aided by more than 115 individuals who contributed their knowledge and insight to task forces organized around the four topics below. Task force members met regularly to review literature on patient safety topics, deliberate on strategies, identify resources and lay out a series of potential action steps that will help Massachusetts meet the Roadmap’s five ambitious goals.