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A first-in-nation pilot of automated adverse event detection and response in Massachusetts hospitals

The Betsy Lehman Center is seeking a diverse cohort of 6-8 Massachusetts acute care hospitals to pilot an automated adverse event monitoring system. Our partner, Pascal Metrics Inc., is a federally listed Patient Safety Organization and a leader in the field.

This technology runs in the background of electronic health records to detect preventable patient harm events in near-real time. Daily analytics, combined with expert consultation, enables a timely response to reduce the risk of future harm. Early-adopter hospitals across the country have achieved significant and sustained reductions in preventable harm and high returns on investment. 

To learn more about this opportunity, see below for recordings and slides from series of online, interactive information sessions, read the prospectus or reach out to Charlie Carter at the Betsy Lehman Center

Information sessions 

Session 1. About the pilot

Session 2: Analytics and improvement support

Session 3: Real-world experiences 

Session 4: Readiness and next steps