Resources |
Things to consider |
Peer support: Healthcare professionals supporting each other after adverse medical events Research StoryThis article is about the journey to create a peer support program at Brigham and Women's Hospital in 2005 with a multidisciplinary advisory group. Read the article |
Clinician and staff surveys TOOL
Survey staff before implementation for a baseline to compare after the program is in place. You may want to add your own questions, like these from the University of Missouri Health Systems. |
Examples of peer support programs TOOL
What support program will work in your organization? Use these examples from several organizations to help guide your decision. |
List of things to consider for the advisory group TOOLUse this list to begin discussions within your advisory group. Read the list | |
“Healing the Healer” documentary STORYThis dramatic film from CRICO exposes the painful impact on clinicians when patient care goes awry, along with support programs being implemented to help them cope. Watch the video |
Play the 20-minute film at a grandrounds to get the conversation started. |
Formation of a multi-disciplinary advisory committee