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Engage leadership and make the case for a peer support program

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Things to consider

Peer support research library  RESEARCH

A comprehensive literature review of articles and studies on emotional impact to clinicians following adverse events and medical errors. Access the research library

For those who need the data, this is the list you want.

Clinician support: Five years lessons learned  RESEARCH STORY

The forYOU Team from the University of Missouri shares successes and challenges from their five-year journey creating a support program for second victims. Read the article

Improving patient safety: The intersection of safety culture, clinician and staff support, and patient safety organizations  RESEARCH TOOL

This white paper released in September 2015 from the Center for Patient Safety discusses opportunities to implement and integrate Clinician Support Intervention Programs through PSO participation. Read the white paper

Second victim support: Implications for patient safety attitudes and perceptions  RESEARCH

Sue Scott, Ph.D., R.N., C.P.P.S., studies the link between second victim support and its influence on the overall culture of patient safety at the University of Missouri Health Care. Learn more

This word cloud, developed from Dr. Scott's research, is a powerful visual of what second victims say they feel and need.

The emotional impact of medical error involvement on physicians: A call for leadership and organisational accountability   RESEARCH

This report from the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation concludes that, given the significant effect of medical errors on physicians’ well-being and performance, health care institutions must provide staff with systems of support. Read the report

When things go wrong  RESEARCH

This consensus paper of the Harvard-affiliated hospitals proposes full disclosure to patients when adverse events occur, and recognizes the need to provide support to clinicians when these events happen. Read the paper

Getting boards on board: Engaging governing boards in quality and safety  TOOL

This how-to guide recommends that boards of trustees in all hospitals undertake six key activities to improve quality and reduce harm. Read the guide

Use this and the tools below to influence leadership and others within the institution.

Integrated disclosure model  TOOL

An integrated model for handling incidents and adverse events from Albert Wu, M.D., co-founder of RISE Peer Responder Training at John Hopkins Medicine. Use the tool

Making the case to leadership  TOOL STORY

James Conway was a health care governance and leadership expert. Read his editorial and download his presentation to leadership about supporting clinicians and staff.

These highlight the cost of not providing support.

Safe practices for better healthcare  TOOL

These safe practices can be universally applied in all clinical care settings in order to reduce the risk of error and harm for patients. Safe practice #8 focuses on caring for caregivers. Read the report

Standards for hospital leadership  TOOL

The Joint Commission's leadership chapter includes the importance of making support systems available for staff who have been involved in an adverse event. Read the chapter

Leadership talking points  TOOL

Key talking points for leadership about the purpose of peer support and process for implementing a program in an ambulatory setting. Read the talking points

Anthony Whittemore talks about clinician support  STORY

Anthony Whittemore, M.D., is the former CMO of the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Watch part one and part two of his talk highlighting the journey at his hospital for supporting clinicians and their peer support program.

“Healing the Healer” documentary  STORY

This dramatic film from CRICO exposes the painful impact on clinicians when patient care goes awry, along with support programs being implemented to help them cope. Watch the video

Play the 20-minute film at a grandrounds to get the conversation started.