Learning Improvement blue

Every program should include a feedback loop for continuous learning and improvement

Go back: Clinician and Staff Peer Support Toolkit



Things to consider

Post-training survey  tool

Survey peer supporters after each training to learn what is working and what needs to be improved. Download the survey

Example tracking forms  tool

Track peer support interactions so you know who you are reaching and how you are reaching them. Consider why you aren’t reaching some people and make adjustments as needed.

Example peer supporter meeting update  tool

This meeting agenda and presentation for peer supporters at Southcoast Health includes opportunities for discussions and feedback. Download presentation

Every meeting with peer supporters is an opportunity to get feedback.

Patient safety culture surveys  TOOL

These surveys from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) are just a few of many available for use. They are reliable and free to the public.

You may want to add your own questions to these surveys. The University of Missouri Health Systems added these to get a baseline on support for staff.