Resources |
Things to consider |
Quick reference guide toolThe Betsy Lehman Center created this guide with listening skills, self care ideas, information about common reactions to trauma, and more. Download the guide |
Items to include in a peer supporter toolbox toolClear, concise peer support policy and guidelines
Recommended supports for referral (if necessary)
Active listening techniques
Stages of response
Create a toolbox for peer supporters and make it available in a secure place online so they can reference it at any time. Be sure to include a list of other peer supporters and staff with contact information. |
Example training workshop agendas tool
Sample training presentation toolThis presentation includes an overview of the program, data on clinician peer support, basic peer support skills, and practice scenarios. Download PowerPoint slides |
Brief history of clinician support and "second victim" toolStephen D. Pratt, M.D., gives a presentation during virtual peer support training about the science and history of clinician peer support programs. Watch the video |
In-person training seating arrangement toolWhen possible during in-person training sessions, avoid seating supervisors at the same table as their staff. This will help encourage honest and open conversations. View example seating arrangement |
Post-training survey toolCreate a short survey to get feedback for improvements on your training, or to test participants’ knowledge of the materials covered. Download the sample survey |
Training videos toolThese videos walk you through the steps of a peer support interaction, from introducing yourself as a peer supporter to talking about the event and offering coping strategies. Watch the videos |
Supporting clinicians immediately after an event TOOLThese videos show the impact of support for clinicians prior to communication following an adverse event or medical error.
It’s important to provide support to the clinician prior to initial communication with the patient and family about what may have happened. |
Train peer supporters