One Last Thing

Cleaning problems frequent 2019 Top-10 Hazards list

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Keeping equipment and devices used in patient care clean and disinfected is central to three out of 10 items on a list of technology-related patient safety hazards published by ECRI Institute, a non-profit research and risk management firm. 

In addition to high-tech concerns, such as hackers remotely accessing computer systems and dosage confusion with infusion pumps, the 2019 list includes three low-tech hazards related to cleaning that can lead to infections and other patient harms:

  • Seemingly clean mattresses that retain blood or body fluids from a prior patient
  • Disinfected flexible endoscopes contaminated by mishandling
  • Cleaning fluids that seep into electrical components and lead to equipment damage and fires

More information about these and other hazards is available from ECRI Institute.


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