Join the conversation and share your telehealth experiences

A new survey — the fourth in a series from Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) — is now open for clinicians willing to share what they’ve learned about telehealth since the beginning of the pandemic. Each survey in the series covers specific topics, asking for practical advice and solutions to common challenges. The survey currently open for response focuses on engaging patients, handling "no shows," documenting visits, using monitoring devices and ordering tests. The surveys are open to all clinicians and are intended to help improve the safety and quality of care across all specialties.

Results from the series appear on the MHQP website along with hundreds of (anonymous) comments on specific questions, including practical tips, suggestions for improving the clinician and patient experience, reflections on the current environment and more.

One clinician notes “I think video visits are the way of the future, but the connectivity needs to be greatly improved in order to be efficient and timely in completing these visits.” An internal medicine doctor suggests, “ … virtual outposts in neighborhoods to provide access” could help reduce disparities in internet access. And another clinician observes about telehealth visits, “It takes A LOT of resource to get patients up and running and our teams are strapped with increased volume demands, staff shortages, and depleted resilience with the pandemic.”

To view earlier results and take the current survey, visit the MHQP website.


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