Letter from the MACRMI board chairs

Dear Friends of MACRMI,

MACRMI started as a group of people from organizations across the Commonwealth bound together by a central mission – to make Communication, Apology, and Resolution (CARe) the primary way to resolve adverse medical events. We all believe that it is the best possible way to create reconciliation and healing for patients, clinicians, and the healthcare system when unanticipated outcomes occur in medical care. Over the past ten years of our existence, we have continued to strive together to do just that, and have achieved many successes, with many systems in Massachusetts taking on CARe as part of their facilities’ missions.

We are excited to announce that MACRMI is entering a new chapter in its life. MACRMI will become a part of the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety. We are thrilled to be working as part of such a respected agent for positive change in a state that leads the charge in healthcare improvement, and also to be able to extend the reach of MACRMI’s myriad resources and implementation assistance so that more facilities can use CARe.

You can read more about our decision to join the Betsy Lehman Center in this article from the Center’s Patient Safety Beat newsletter, here.

You will automatically be added to the email list for the Betsy Lehman Center so that you can continue to get updates about the work MACRMI is doing, unless you prefer to opt out, which you can do by simply replying to this email. In the coming months you will likely see some co-branding of materials such as those for our upcoming Forum (mark your calendars for the morning of June 2nd!), and on our website.

Thank you for your interest in and support of the work MACRMI is doing, and we eagerly anticipate all of the great work there still is left to do to make healthcare better and safer for patients and providers alike.

Pat Folcarelli, RN, PhD and Doug Salvador, MD, MPH

MACRMI Co-Chairs


We want to hear from you!

Email us your feedback and comments: PatientSafetyBeat@BetsyLehmanCenterMA.gov